Do you dream of leaving your job and going into business? Or maybe you’ve already taken the plunge? In 2023 it’s 10 years since I took the leap from the world of an employee to working for myself. In this post I am sharing 10 lessons I’ve learned, so you can avoid making some of the mistakes I’ve made!
5 Ways You Are Unknowingly Killing Your Credibility
How to ‘ground yourself’ to overcome public speaking anxiety
When you’re nervous about an upcoming presentation, it can cause stress on your body and mind which will impact on your ability to communicate your message effectively. In this article I outline a simple exercise to help combat the symptoms and instil a sense of calm; it can be done anywhere at any time you feel a little scattered, apprehensive or anxious.
The best public speaking advice I ever received
4 Questions to Ask Yourself Right Now
Are you looking after your mental wellbeing?
7 Simple Rules of the Stage for Presenters
That's a Wrap - Reflections From Being an Actor in 'Neighbours'
11 Presenting Mistakes That Make Your Audience Cringe
As presenters we are in the privileged position of being able to share our knowledge, experience, and passion with an audience. However, with this privilege comes responsibility – a responsibility to ourselves to ensure we don’t kill our credibility, but more importantly, a responsibility to our audience to ensure that our message is relevant and interesting to listen to. It is vital that you avoid these 11 mistakes that will make your audience cringe...
Lessons from Professional Speakers
In this post I’ve written about three of the sessions at the Professional Speaking Association’s ‘Refresh!’ online conference. I have included the main takeaway messages as well as my observations on what the speakers did well so that you can consider using some of the techniques to enhance your own presentations.
Are you ready for life after lockdown?
Being isolated for an extended period during the Covid 19 pandemic has left many people feeling a bit anxious and uncertain, which has impacted on their mental wellbeing and overall confidence and self esteem. In this post I share some practical tips on how to re-build your confidence and cope with life after lockdown.
Visualising your ideal life
You're too big for TV...
Red is an attitude
What do you think about when you think of the colour red? It’s different for all of us. For some it’s danger, risk, warning or anger. For others it is power, passion, courage or excitement. In this post I explore why red is not just a colour, how choosing your attitude helps to achieve your best outcome and what it means to be ‘more RED’.
When life gives you lemons...
Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Regardless of your view on the world, sometimes life throws us curveballs (hello worldwide pandemic!) and we need to give ourselves permission to feel what we feel as well as ways to change our outlook when we’re ready to focus on the positive. In this post I share some of the techniques I use to remain optimistic (and make lemonade) when life sends lemons.
Speaking with passion never goes out of fashion
What's holding you back?
Have you been playing small in your life? If so, this post is for you. Despite seeing the potential of others and helping them have the confidence to realise it, I have been ignoring and resisting my own potential! So I made a decision. And that decision is going to help more people to realise their potential, and that’s really exciting! Want to know more? Read on …
3 Biggest Mistakes You Are Making When Video Conferencing
With COVID19 impacting workplaces across the globe, most professionals are working remotely using video conferencing technologies to stay connected with colleagues and customers. In this post I look at the most common mistakes people make on video - simple mistakes that can damage your brand, dilute the trust you have built and destroy your credibility in just one video interaction.
How to engage your audience (thoughts from Cambodia)
A different way to manage public speaking anxiety
Do you suffer from stage fright or get a little anxious about public speaking? Feeling nervous about being in front of an audience is fairly common; even the professionals experience nerves before an important speech or performance. I recently had a chance to try out a new method for managing public speaking anxiety and had quite a profound experience. Read on to find out more…