
Why You Should Warm Up Before a Pitch or Presentation

Why You Should Warm Up Before a Pitch or Presentation

Have you ever opened your mouth to speak and your voice didn’t come out properly? In this post, I share an experience that reinforced an important lesson I learned as a performer that we all need to remember in business.

Presentation Tips for Middle Managers

Presentation Tips for Middle Managers

Sally Foley-Lewis is a multi-award winning global expert who has authored several books on leadership and productivity. She specialises in supporting middle managers to boost productivity, self-leadership and confidence, and during our recent chat, she shared some fantastic tips on how you can improve your presentation preparation and delivery.

Speaking with passion never goes out of fashion

Speaking with passion never goes out of fashion

One of the best ways to engage people when you’re speaking is to be passionate about what you’re saying. In this post I explore the importance of connecting with what excites you about your message and expressing it with energy and enthusiasm.

A different way to manage public speaking anxiety

A different way to manage public speaking anxiety

Do you suffer from stage fright or get a little anxious about public speaking? Feeling nervous about being in front of an audience is fairly common; even the professionals experience nerves before an important speech or performance. I recently had a chance to try out a new method for managing public speaking anxiety and had quite a profound experience. Read on to find out more…

Spooked by Public Speaking? Here’s how to overcome your fear...

Spooked by Public Speaking?  Here’s how to overcome your fear...

Scary Halloween things include spiders and snakes and creepy horror movies. But one of the most scary things for many people is the very real fear of standing up and speaking in front of an audience. If you’ve been avoiding public speaking due to crushing anxiety, there’s a good chance it may have been holding you back from fulfilling your potential in your career and life in general. But the great news is that there are tools and tips that can help you to manage your fear so that you can deliver that presentation with ease.

Brain Friendly Tips to Engage People in Training Sessions

Brain Friendly Tips to Engage People in Training Sessions

Have you ever been to training sessions where you’re sitting in one place for long periods of time listening to the trainer drone on and on as they work their way through dozens of boring text filled PowerPoint slides? Don't be that trainer! In this post I share tips about accelerated learning techniques to keep your audience awake and engaged...

Are you tired of feeling invisible?

Are you tired of feeling invisible?

Whether you are in business for yourself or working for an organisation, the ability to be seen and heard is vital to your success. If you’re someone who sometimes feels like you’re not getting noticed and you’re missing out on opportunities because of it, this post will introduce you to a simple new concept that will help you to stand out and make an impact in your personal and professional life.

Business Storytelling: Lessons from a Master

Business Storytelling: Lessons from a Master

One of the biggest buzzwords in business at the moment is ‘storytelling’. And for good reason. Stories make us think, and more importantly they make us feel. And they help us remember ideas and concepts far more effectively than facts and figures. I was privileged to have the opportunity recently to see well known Scottish businessman, Bob Keiller, delivering a Business Storytelling workshop and in this post I share his tips.

19 Benefits of Being Good at Public Speaking

19 Benefits of Being Good at Public Speaking

Though most of us have the ability to speak, many are not able to speak well when in front of a group people. Yet, being comfortable and confident when speaking in public has the potential to enrich your life both professionally and personally. Here are 19 benefits of being good at public speaking...

How to L.O.V.E. Public Speaking

How to L.O.V.E. Public Speaking

Long ago I lost count of the number of people who have said to me “I HATE public speaking!” But what if I told you that you could learn to love public speaking?

If you fear or loath public speaking and avoid it at all costs, you may be missing out on opportunities to promote your business, progress your career or share a few words about a special person at an important occasion such as a wedding or a funeral.

5 Ways to Appear More Confident When Presenting

5 Ways to Appear More Confident When Presenting

Nerves before a presentation are normal and important. Feeling nervous means you care and, therefore, you will put extra effort into ensuring that your message is communicated to your audience in the best possible way. Nervous adrenaline is also useful for giving your presentation the energy it needs to keep your audience engaged, as long as you use your nervousness effectively rather than allow it to overpower you. So here are five easy ways to manage your nerves and to look and feel more confident when speaking in public.

Why Improving Your Public Speaking Should Be Your Top Priority This Year

Why Improving Your Public Speaking Should Be Your Top Priority This Year

Are you one of those people who wrote ‘Improve my public speaking skills’ on your list of new year’s resolutions? If so, well done and I trust you are well on the way to achieving your goal (if you’re not, read on!)

How To Ensure You Are Understood

How To Ensure You Are Understood

Whether you are leading your team meeting, pitching to investors or talking to your partner over a romantic dinner, the ability to be understood is critical. Here is one of the best ways to ensure that your message is understood...

10 Tips to Make Challenging Conversations Easier

10 Tips to Make Challenging Conversations Easier

If you're someone who avoids conversations that you perceive may be difficult, you'll probably already know that this can lead to further miscommunication, upset and angst. It is crucial to ensure that you find a way to express yourself so in this post you'll find some tips for preparing and managing the conversation...

How to Make Your Speech Come Alive Using Subtext

How to Make Your Speech Come Alive Using Subtext

Famous Russian actor and theatre director, Constantin Stanislavski was quoted saying, ‘Spectators come to the theatre to hear the subtext.’ The use of subtext is used in acting to communicate so much more than just the words and the technique can also be used to give life and meaning to your presentations and connect with your audience on another level...