presenting skills

Presentation Tips from The Jacksons

Presentation Tips from The Jacksons

Whilst watching The Jacksons in concert recently, I loved their showmanship and ability to really connect with the crowd. We can learn a lot about how to improve our presentations from their theatrical approach, so in this blog I share 11 techniques that you can apply to take your audience engagement to the next level.

Tips to Build Confidence

Tips to Build Confidence

What can you learn about presenting from Sesame Street? What are the best techniques to build confidence? And why should you disregard most public speaking advice? Answers to all of these questions and more can be learned in my latest conversation with the amazing Pegine Echevarria, best-selling author, award-winning business woman and one of the world’s top leadership motivational speakers.

11 Presenting Mistakes That Make Your Audience Cringe

11 Presenting Mistakes That Make Your Audience Cringe

As presenters we are in the privileged position of being able to share our knowledge, experience, and passion with an audience. However, with this privilege comes responsibility – a responsibility to ourselves to ensure we don’t kill our credibility, but more importantly, a responsibility to our audience to ensure that our message is relevant and interesting to listen to. It is vital that you avoid these 11 mistakes that will make your audience cringe...

Lessons from Professional Speakers

Lessons from Professional Speakers

In this post I’ve written about three of the sessions at the Professional Speaking Association’s ‘Refresh!’ online conference. I have included the main takeaway messages as well as my observations on what the speakers did well so that you can consider using some of the techniques to enhance your own presentations.

Presentation Lessons from a TEDx Event

Presentation Lessons from a TEDx Event

TED talks have changed the speaking landscape and I was honoured and privileged to be one of the speaker coaches once again for the Glasgow TEDx event at the SEC Armadillo. In a day that showcased 16 speakers some of them were more memorable than others, so in this post I look at some of the talks that stood out and examine the reasons why. Read on to find out how you can use the techniques to make your own communication more powerful.

How to Transform Your Storytelling Impact

How to Transform Your Storytelling Impact

Storytelling enhances your presentations. But how do you come up with good stories? Why is it that some stories are more powerful and memorable than others? And what makes some storytellers more charismatic than others? Read on to find out…

19 Benefits of Being Good at Public Speaking

19 Benefits of Being Good at Public Speaking

Though most of us have the ability to speak, many are not able to speak well when in front of a group people. Yet, being comfortable and confident when speaking in public has the potential to enrich your life both professionally and personally. Here are 19 benefits of being good at public speaking...

Why I can’t keep quiet about my latest project!

Why I can’t keep quiet about my latest project!

Have you ever come across something that is such amazing value that you can’t wait to tell people about it?

Well, that’s the way I feel about the upcoming Boost Your Business Speaking Online Virtual Summit which I’m delighted to be part of.

5 Ways to Appear More Confident When Presenting

5 Ways to Appear More Confident When Presenting

Nerves before a presentation are normal and important. Feeling nervous means you care and, therefore, you will put extra effort into ensuring that your message is communicated to your audience in the best possible way. Nervous adrenaline is also useful for giving your presentation the energy it needs to keep your audience engaged, as long as you use your nervousness effectively rather than allow it to overpower you. So here are five easy ways to manage your nerves and to look and feel more confident when speaking in public.

What Dolly Parton Can Teach You About Public Speaking

What Dolly Parton Can Teach You About Public Speaking

Dolly Parton demonstrated her incredible ability to engage a 180,000 strong crowd during her popular performance at Glastonbury. The more I watched the more I realised that her techniques could be implemented in many public speaking situations. So read on to find out what Dolly Parton can teach you about public speaking.

Public Speaking lessons from a Drag Show (Part 2)

Public Speaking lessons from a Drag Show (Part 2)

Inspired by an experience I had watching a drag show whilst on holiday, this is my second post about what lessons we can learn from drag queens when it comes to public speaking. 

Why Improving Your Public Speaking Should Be Your Top Priority This Year

Why Improving Your Public Speaking Should Be Your Top Priority This Year

Are you one of those people who wrote ‘Improve my public speaking skills’ on your list of new year’s resolutions? If so, well done and I trust you are well on the way to achieving your goal (if you’re not, read on!)

What Mary Poppins Can Teach You About Public Speaking

What Mary Poppins Can Teach You About Public Speaking

Whilst in Australia I had the pleasure of watching a brilliantly produced and performed amateur production of Mary Poppins. As is so often the case when I attend live theatre, I identified a number of tips that can be easily transferred to your talks and presentations. Read about them here...

The Show Must Go On: 7 Tips on How to Give a Presentation When it’s the Last Thing You Feel Like Doing!

The Show Must Go On: 7 Tips on How to Give a Presentation When it’s the Last Thing You Feel Like Doing!

or many people, the thought of delivering a presentation makes them feel sick with nerves. But what if you’ve been booked to speak at an event and you are feeling unwell?

11 Ways to Kill Your Credibility as a Presenter

11 Ways to Kill Your Credibility as a Presenter

During a three day conference in London I had the opportunity to watch and listen to some incredibly charismatic and engaging presenters. Amongst them all, however, there was one presenter that stood out for all the wrong reasons and she has inspired this post. Find out what this speaker did to kill her credibility and caused me to walk out of her presentation...

Secrets of a Public Speaking World Champion

Secrets of a Public Speaking World Champion

This week I had the opportunity to attend a workshop with the Toastmasters International 2014 World Champion of Public Speaking, Dananjaya Hettiarachchi (‘Dan’ for short). He shared various tips on preparation, content and delivery and a few secrets about how he beat 33,000 other speakers from 120 countries to win the world title. Here is an overview...