
Why You Should Warm Up Before a Pitch or Presentation

Why You Should Warm Up Before a Pitch or Presentation

Have you ever opened your mouth to speak and your voice didn’t come out properly? In this post, I share an experience that reinforced an important lesson I learned as a performer that we all need to remember in business.

Presentation Tips from The Jacksons

Presentation Tips from The Jacksons

Whilst watching The Jacksons in concert recently, I loved their showmanship and ability to really connect with the crowd. We can learn a lot about how to improve our presentations from their theatrical approach, so in this blog I share 11 techniques that you can apply to take your audience engagement to the next level.

Great Presenting For Busy People

Great Presenting For Busy People

As a busy professional, you may think you don’t have the time to improve your public speaking skills, but just a few adjustments can greatly improve the way you are received. Check out my final conversation in this series, where I spoke with award-winning speaker Lee Warren who shared fantastic ideas that are easy to understand, easy to implement and will easily transform the way you present.

5 Ways You Are Unknowingly Killing Your Credibility

5 Ways You Are Unknowingly Killing Your Credibility

There are many factors that can impact on your credibility, but your non-verbal cues and your language patterns can undermine your credibility without you even being aware of it. Here are five areas that may be subtly impacting on the way people perceive you...

4 Speakers, 4 Countries, 4 Public Speaking Lessons

4 Speakers, 4 Countries, 4 Public Speaking Lessons

In one year I attended four professional speaking conventions in four countries on four continents. In this article I share the lessons we can learn from the stand out speakers at each event...

7 Vocal Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Presentation

7 Vocal Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Presentation

What does your voice say about you? Whether you like it or not, people will make judgements about you based on your voice. They’ll make assumptions about where you’re from, how well educated you are or how confident you are. Regardless of the words you speak, your voice will impact on how engaging a speech or presentation is for your audience and how well your message is received. 

The Show Must Go On: 7 Tips on How to Give a Presentation When it’s the Last Thing You Feel Like Doing!

The Show Must Go On: 7 Tips on How to Give a Presentation When it’s the Last Thing You Feel Like Doing!

or many people, the thought of delivering a presentation makes them feel sick with nerves. But what if you’ve been booked to speak at an event and you are feeling unwell?

How To Ensure You Are Understood

How To Ensure You Are Understood

Whether you are leading your team meeting, pitching to investors or talking to your partner over a romantic dinner, the ability to be understood is critical. Here is one of the best ways to ensure that your message is understood...