
10 Ways a Public Speaking Coach Can Help You

10 Ways a Public Speaking Coach Can Help You

Public speaking is about grabbing and keeping attention, inspiring people to take action and making a lasting impact. But even the most experienced presenters have blind spots. In this post I share 10 ways that working with a public speaking coach can help to transform your delivery and presence.

Why You Should Warm Up Before a Pitch or Presentation

Why You Should Warm Up Before a Pitch or Presentation

Have you ever opened your mouth to speak and your voice didn’t come out properly? In this post, I share an experience that reinforced an important lesson I learned as a performer that we all need to remember in business.

The Most Important Part of Public Speaking

The Most Important Part of Public Speaking

When it comes to delivering a great presentation, three elements often compete for attention: the audience, the content, and the presenter. In this post, I explore the relevance of all three, and share my thoughts on what I consider to be the most important - the answer might surprise you!

11 Presenting Mistakes That Make Your Audience Cringe

11 Presenting Mistakes That Make Your Audience Cringe

As presenters we are in the privileged position of being able to share our knowledge, experience, and passion with an audience. However, with this privilege comes responsibility – a responsibility to ourselves to ensure we don’t kill our credibility, but more importantly, a responsibility to our audience to ensure that our message is relevant and interesting to listen to. It is vital that you avoid these 11 mistakes that will make your audience cringe...

How to Keep Your Presentation On Time

How to Keep Your Presentation On Time

How often have you been in a meeting or at a conference where one or more of the presenters have gone on and on beyond the time that has been scheduled for them?  Getting the timing of your presentation right is crucial; if you go over time it’s disrespectful to your audience, the organiser and other speakers. Read on for tips on how to keep your presentation on time.

Presentation Lessons from a TEDx Event

Presentation Lessons from a TEDx Event

TED talks have changed the speaking landscape and I was honoured and privileged to be one of the speaker coaches once again for the Glasgow TEDx event at the SEC Armadillo. In a day that showcased 16 speakers some of them were more memorable than others, so in this post I look at some of the talks that stood out and examine the reasons why. Read on to find out how you can use the techniques to make your own communication more powerful.

How to Transform Your Storytelling Impact

How to Transform Your Storytelling Impact

Storytelling enhances your presentations. But how do you come up with good stories? Why is it that some stories are more powerful and memorable than others? And what makes some storytellers more charismatic than others? Read on to find out…

6 Reasons Women Need to be Confident Presenters

6 Reasons Women Need to be Confident Presenters

On International Women’s Day, I was reflecting on the importance of women’s voices in business, politics, the media and the community in general. It’s time more women took the time to develop the confidence and skills to speak in public, and in this post I share six reasons why...

11 Things You Can Learn About Presenting from Ice Skating

11 Things You Can Learn About Presenting from Ice Skating

Recently I went ice skating for the first time in 30+ years. As I was endeavouring to get used to the feeling of being on skates again, I amused myself with the parallels between ice skating and public speaking and the lessons we can learn from them...

How to really connect with your audience (hint: it’s not about you!)

How to really connect with your audience (hint: it’s not about you!)

For many people when they’re asked to do a presentation, they will open up PowerPoint or Keynote and start to create a presentation that focuses on what they want to tell people. But that is the completely wrong way to go about it and here's why...

7 Vocal Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Presentation

7 Vocal Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Presentation

What does your voice say about you? Whether you like it or not, people will make judgements about you based on your voice. They’ll make assumptions about where you’re from, how well educated you are or how confident you are. Regardless of the words you speak, your voice will impact on how engaging a speech or presentation is for your audience and how well your message is received. 

Are You Ready to Say Goodbye to Your Fear of Public Speaking?

Are You Ready to Say Goodbye to Your Fear of Public Speaking?

It has been estimated that up to 75% of the population fear public speaking so it’s hardly surprising that the majority of my clients experience a level of anxiety in relation to this. In this post I share one of my technques to help you say goodbye to your fear of public speaking for good...

5 Tips for Promoting Your Business Through Public Speaking

5 Tips for Promoting Your Business Through Public Speaking

Have you ever considered adding public speaking into your marketing mix? Many people shudder at the thought of standing up and speaking in front of an audience but giving a talk is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to promote your business. Find out my top five tips to help you to take advantage of this marketing opportunity...

How the Colour of Your Outfit Affects Your Presentation

How the Colour of Your Outfit Affects Your Presentation

Colour is instant - before your brain registers anything else it will register colour. Therefore, careful consideration needs to be given when choosing what to wear for an important presentation to ensure that the first impression you make with your audience is the one you’re aiming for...

8 Reasons Why You Should Stop Presenting From Behind a Lectern

8 Reasons Why You Should Stop Presenting From Behind a Lectern

It often surprises me how many presenters are happy to stand behind a lectern and deliver a speech; it really doesn’t do them any favours when it comes to communicating their message effectively. In this post I share 8 problems connected with presenting from behind a lectern.

5 Ways to Appear More Confident When Presenting

5 Ways to Appear More Confident When Presenting

Nerves before a presentation are normal and important. Feeling nervous means you care and, therefore, you will put extra effort into ensuring that your message is communicated to your audience in the best possible way. Nervous adrenaline is also useful for giving your presentation the energy it needs to keep your audience engaged, as long as you use your nervousness effectively rather than allow it to overpower you. So here are five easy ways to manage your nerves and to look and feel more confident when speaking in public.

What Dolly Parton Can Teach You About Public Speaking

What Dolly Parton Can Teach You About Public Speaking

Dolly Parton demonstrated her incredible ability to engage a 180,000 strong crowd during her popular performance at Glastonbury. The more I watched the more I realised that her techniques could be implemented in many public speaking situations. So read on to find out what Dolly Parton can teach you about public speaking.

Public Speaking lessons from a Drag Show (Part 2)

Public Speaking lessons from a Drag Show (Part 2)

Inspired by an experience I had watching a drag show whilst on holiday, this is my second post about what lessons we can learn from drag queens when it comes to public speaking. 

12 TEDx Talks: 12 Lessons in Public Speaking

12 TEDx Talks: 12 Lessons in Public Speaking

On Thursday 18 February, the TEDx University of Edinburgh (TEDxUoE) 2016 Conference was held in Edinburgh’s Central Hall for an audience of around five hundred people. I was delighted to have the opportunity to coach 10 of the 12 speakers for this event and was incredibly proud of the way each of them delivered a clear, concise and engaging talk. So, from my perspective as an audience member, this post covers public speaking lessons inspired by each of their talks.

What Mary Poppins Can Teach You About Public Speaking

What Mary Poppins Can Teach You About Public Speaking

Whilst in Australia I had the pleasure of watching a brilliantly produced and performed amateur production of Mary Poppins. As is so often the case when I attend live theatre, I identified a number of tips that can be easily transferred to your talks and presentations. Read about them here...