public speaking fear

10 Ways a Public Speaking Coach Can Help You

10 Ways a Public Speaking Coach Can Help You

Public speaking is about grabbing and keeping attention, inspiring people to take action and making a lasting impact. But even the most experienced presenters have blind spots. In this post I share 10 ways that working with a public speaking coach can help to transform your delivery and presence.

Spooked by Public Speaking? Here’s how to overcome your fear...

Spooked by Public Speaking?  Here’s how to overcome your fear...

Scary Halloween things include spiders and snakes and creepy horror movies. But one of the most scary things for many people is the very real fear of standing up and speaking in front of an audience. If you’ve been avoiding public speaking due to crushing anxiety, there’s a good chance it may have been holding you back from fulfilling your potential in your career and life in general. But the great news is that there are tools and tips that can help you to manage your fear so that you can deliver that presentation with ease.

Tap Away Your Public Speaking Anxiety

Tap Away Your Public Speaking Anxiety

Are you one of the estimated 75% of the population who experience some level of fear or anxiety around public speaking? If so, check out this post which explains how using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or tapping) can help you lose your fear for good.

If Goal Setting Doesn’t Work, Try This

If Goal Setting Doesn’t Work, Try This

At the beginning of the year there are hundreds of blog posts and articles from all sorts of people telling you how to set and achieve your goals. And hundreds of other articles outlining all sorts of reasons why you’re unlikely to achieve your new year’s resolutions. So in this post I share my alternative approach to goal setting...

How to Speak ‘Off The Cuff’

How to Speak ‘Off The Cuff’

How do you react when you’re asked to ‘say a few words’? Are you one of the many who become completely tongue tied; barely managing to ‘um’ and ‘err’ through a mumbled ramble of incoherent nonsense before shuffling away hoping the ground would open up and put you (and your audience) out of misery? If so, read on for tips on ‘speaking off the cuff’ from Scotland's impromptu speaking champion, Renée Philippi...