Hi, thanks for stopping by to check out my blog where I share hints, tips, learnings and observations about clear, confident and credible communication. If you want to grow your confidence and improve your pitching, presenting and public speaking I hope you'll find my posts helpful. If you have any questions or comments, please do share them - I love to hear from you.
- Audience 2
- Business 1
- Charisma 3
- Coaching 3
- Communication 17
- Confidence 36
- Credibility 8
- Event Planning 2
- Events 3
- Leadership 2
- Motivation 3
- Nerves 7
- Networking 1
- Online Presentations 1
- Online Training 1
- Overcoming Fear 15
- Personal Development 17
- Personal Impact 2
- Pitching 11
- PowerPoint 1
- Presentations 38
- Presenting 35
- Public Speaking 89
- Remote Working 1
- Storytelling 7
- TED Talk 5
- TEDx 5
- The RED Effect 1
- Training 4
- Video 1
- achievement 5
- body language 4
- engaging an audience 13
- focus 1
- goal setting 3
- mastermind 1
- mental wellbeing 2
- mindset 6
- preparation 9
- presentation skills 25
- professional speaker 5
- professional speaking 4
- publicspeaking 2
- support 1
- theatre 4
- voice 8
- warmup 4
Public speaking is about grabbing and keeping attention, inspiring people to take action and making a lasting impact. But even the most experienced presenters have blind spots. In this post I share 10 ways that working with a public speaking coach can help to transform your delivery and presence.