When you’re nervous about an upcoming presentation, it can cause stress on your body and mind which will impact on your ability to communicate your message effectively. In this article I outline a simple exercise to help combat the symptoms and instil a sense of calm; it can be done anywhere at any time you feel a little scattered, apprehensive or anxious.
What's the best piece of advice you've received about public speaking? In this article I share the two words that changed EVERYTHING for me about how I prepare and deliver presentations.
Communication, Confidence, Overcoming Fear, Public Speaking
Long ago I lost count of the number of people who have said to me “I HATE public speaking!” But what if I told you that you could learn to love public speaking?
If you fear or loath public speaking and avoid it at all costs, you may be missing out on opportunities to promote your business, progress your career or share a few words about a special person at an important occasion such as a wedding or a funeral.
Event Planning, Events, professional speaker, professional speaking
Having the right speakers and break out session facilitators is crucial to the success of an event. Therefore, if you’re in charge of planning, it’s important to put time, effort (and money) into finding the right speakers who will engage and inspire your audience and ensure your event is talked about for years to come. In this post I share my top tips to help you book the ideal speaker.
Are you on the treadmill of life not sure where you’re headed or how you feel about it? In this post I share four questions that will help you to reflect on your current happiness level and identify where you could make changes to ensure you’re living each day with more joy, energy and positivity.
Jim Rohn is quoted as saying, ‘You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.' If you want to change your situation, you need to change the people you spend time with. Here's how being in a mastermind group will contribute to your success...
Do you lead a team either at work or in your personal life? Being able to communicate effectively is so important to motivate the people around you, so check out these 10 tips...