Public speaking is about grabbing and keeping attention, inspiring people to take action and making a lasting impact. But even the most experienced presenters have blind spots. In this post I share 10 ways that working with a public speaking coach can help to transform your delivery and presence.
How to Present to Non-Technical Audiences
If you have a lot of technical or scientific knowledge, sometimes it’s a challenge to share information in a way that makes it clearly understood by people outside of your field. In this post I look at some common mistakes presenters make when speaking to non-technical audiences, and more importantly, how to avoid them!
The Most Important Part of Public Speaking
How to Stand Out as a Speaker
What kind of impact do your presentations make and are your talks remembered by your audience? Last month I had the opportunity to attend the Global Speakers Summit in Bali and in this post I share techniques that some of the speakers used to elevate their delivery and ensure they were remembered as highlights of the convention.
Presentation Tips from The Jacksons
Whilst watching The Jacksons in concert recently, I loved their showmanship and ability to really connect with the crowd. We can learn a lot about how to improve our presentations from their theatrical approach, so in this blog I share 11 techniques that you can apply to take your audience engagement to the next level.
Presentation Tips for Middle Managers
Sally Foley-Lewis is a multi-award winning global expert who has authored several books on leadership and productivity. She specialises in supporting middle managers to boost productivity, self-leadership and confidence, and during our recent chat, she shared some fantastic tips on how you can improve your presentation preparation and delivery.
How Crossing The Fourth Wall Connects You With Your Audience
In theatre there is a concept of a ‘fourth wall’ which refers to the invisible barrier between the audience and the actors on stage. Whilst many stage techniques can be used to enhance your presentation style, there is no escaping the fact that you need to ‘cross the fourth wall’ when public speaking. Read on to find out why…
How to Manage the Q&A Part of Your Presentation
7 Simple Rules of the Stage for Presenters
11 Presenting Mistakes That Make Your Audience Cringe
As presenters we are in the privileged position of being able to share our knowledge, experience, and passion with an audience. However, with this privilege comes responsibility – a responsibility to ourselves to ensure we don’t kill our credibility, but more importantly, a responsibility to our audience to ensure that our message is relevant and interesting to listen to. It is vital that you avoid these 11 mistakes that will make your audience cringe...
Lessons from Professional Speakers
In this post I’ve written about three of the sessions at the Professional Speaking Association’s ‘Refresh!’ online conference. I have included the main takeaway messages as well as my observations on what the speakers did well so that you can consider using some of the techniques to enhance your own presentations.
Speaking with passion never goes out of fashion
A different way to manage public speaking anxiety
Do you suffer from stage fright or get a little anxious about public speaking? Feeling nervous about being in front of an audience is fairly common; even the professionals experience nerves before an important speech or performance. I recently had a chance to try out a new method for managing public speaking anxiety and had quite a profound experience. Read on to find out more…
How to Keep Your Presentation On Time
How often have you been in a meeting or at a conference where one or more of the presenters have gone on and on beyond the time that has been scheduled for them? Getting the timing of your presentation right is crucial; if you go over time it’s disrespectful to your audience, the organiser and other speakers. Read on for tips on how to keep your presentation on time.
Spooked by Public Speaking? Here’s how to overcome your fear...
Scary Halloween things include spiders and snakes and creepy horror movies. But one of the most scary things for many people is the very real fear of standing up and speaking in front of an audience. If you’ve been avoiding public speaking due to crushing anxiety, there’s a good chance it may have been holding you back from fulfilling your potential in your career and life in general. But the great news is that there are tools and tips that can help you to manage your fear so that you can deliver that presentation with ease.
Tips from the Professional Speaking Association Conference
Would you like to learn speaking tips from hundreds of professional speakers? October is the month for the annual Professional Speaking Association ‘Inspire’ conference which aims to support professional speakers with their speaking and the business of speaking. In this post I share some of the tips and observations that could help you to improve your speaking and your business in general.
Tap Away Your Public Speaking Anxiety
Presentation Lessons from a TEDx Event
TED talks have changed the speaking landscape and I was honoured and privileged to be one of the speaker coaches once again for the Glasgow TEDx event at the SEC Armadillo. In a day that showcased 16 speakers some of them were more memorable than others, so in this post I look at some of the talks that stood out and examine the reasons why. Read on to find out how you can use the techniques to make your own communication more powerful.