
Why You Should Warm Up Before a Pitch or Presentation

Why You Should Warm Up Before a Pitch or Presentation

Have you ever opened your mouth to speak and your voice didn’t come out properly? In this post, I share an experience that reinforced an important lesson I learned as a performer that we all need to remember in business.

Great Presenting For Busy People

Great Presenting For Busy People

As a busy professional, you may think you don’t have the time to improve your public speaking skills, but just a few adjustments can greatly improve the way you are received. Check out my final conversation in this series, where I spoke with award-winning speaker Lee Warren who shared fantastic ideas that are easy to understand, easy to implement and will easily transform the way you present.

The Show Must Go On: 7 Tips on How to Give a Presentation When it’s the Last Thing You Feel Like Doing!

The Show Must Go On: 7 Tips on How to Give a Presentation When it’s the Last Thing You Feel Like Doing!

or many people, the thought of delivering a presentation makes them feel sick with nerves. But what if you’ve been booked to speak at an event and you are feeling unwell?