How to Keep Your Presentation On Time

How to Keep Your Presentation On Time

How often have you been in a meeting or at a conference where one or more of the presenters have gone on and on beyond the time that has been scheduled for them?  Getting the timing of your presentation right is crucial; if you go over time it’s disrespectful to your audience, the organiser and other speakers. Read on for tips on how to keep your presentation on time.

Spooked by Public Speaking? Here’s how to overcome your fear...

Spooked by Public Speaking?  Here’s how to overcome your fear...

Scary Halloween things include spiders and snakes and creepy horror movies. But one of the most scary things for many people is the very real fear of standing up and speaking in front of an audience. If you’ve been avoiding public speaking due to crushing anxiety, there’s a good chance it may have been holding you back from fulfilling your potential in your career and life in general. But the great news is that there are tools and tips that can help you to manage your fear so that you can deliver that presentation with ease.

Tips from the Professional Speaking Association Conference

Tips from the Professional Speaking Association Conference

Would you like to learn speaking tips from hundreds of professional speakers? October is the month for the annual Professional Speaking Association ‘Inspire’ conference which aims to support professional speakers with their speaking and the business of speaking. In this post I share some of the tips and observations that could help you to improve your speaking and your business in general.

Tap Away Your Public Speaking Anxiety

Tap Away Your Public Speaking Anxiety

Are you one of the estimated 75% of the population who experience some level of fear or anxiety around public speaking? If so, check out this post which explains how using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or tapping) can help you lose your fear for good.

Brain Friendly Tips to Engage People in Training Sessions

Brain Friendly Tips to Engage People in Training Sessions

Have you ever been to training sessions where you’re sitting in one place for long periods of time listening to the trainer drone on and on as they work their way through dozens of boring text filled PowerPoint slides? Don't be that trainer! In this post I share tips about accelerated learning techniques to keep your audience awake and engaged...

Presentation Lessons from a TEDx Event

Presentation Lessons from a TEDx Event

TED talks have changed the speaking landscape and I was honoured and privileged to be one of the speaker coaches once again for the Glasgow TEDx event at the SEC Armadillo. In a day that showcased 16 speakers some of them were more memorable than others, so in this post I look at some of the talks that stood out and examine the reasons why. Read on to find out how you can use the techniques to make your own communication more powerful.

Are you tired of feeling invisible?

Are you tired of feeling invisible?

Whether you are in business for yourself or working for an organisation, the ability to be seen and heard is vital to your success. If you’re someone who sometimes feels like you’re not getting noticed and you’re missing out on opportunities because of it, this post will introduce you to a simple new concept that will help you to stand out and make an impact in your personal and professional life.

How to Stand Out, Make an Impact and Be Remembered (when you sometimes just want to hide)

How to Stand Out, Make an Impact and Be Remembered (when you sometimes just want to hide)

Have you ever felt like you’ve lost your mojo? Most of us will at some point. Whether we’re in business for ourselves or we’re an employee in an organisation, this can impact significantly on how we present ourselves, and therefore, how others perceive us. Read on to find out how a car, a lipstick and a throwaway comment led to a simple, powerful new concept that will help you to stand out, make an impact and be remembered (for all the right reasons!)

Is it okay to use notes during a presentation?

Is it okay to use notes during a presentation?

Often people worry about whether they can use notes during a presentation and there are arguments for and against it. Having some notes to jog your memory can help ease nerves but it’s important to ensure they don’t detract from your presentation. This post covers several options for using notes and provides tips on how to use them effectively.

How to Transform Your Storytelling Impact

How to Transform Your Storytelling Impact

Storytelling enhances your presentations. But how do you come up with good stories? Why is it that some stories are more powerful and memorable than others? And what makes some storytellers more charismatic than others? Read on to find out…

6 Reasons Women Need to be Confident Presenters

6 Reasons Women Need to be Confident Presenters

On International Women’s Day, I was reflecting on the importance of women’s voices in business, politics, the media and the community in general. It’s time more women took the time to develop the confidence and skills to speak in public, and in this post I share six reasons why...

Business Storytelling: Lessons from a Master

Business Storytelling: Lessons from a Master

One of the biggest buzzwords in business at the moment is ‘storytelling’. And for good reason. Stories make us think, and more importantly they make us feel. And they help us remember ideas and concepts far more effectively than facts and figures. I was privileged to have the opportunity recently to see well known Scottish businessman, Bob Keiller, delivering a Business Storytelling workshop and in this post I share his tips.

19 Benefits of Being Good at Public Speaking

19 Benefits of Being Good at Public Speaking

Though most of us have the ability to speak, many are not able to speak well when in front of a group people. Yet, being comfortable and confident when speaking in public has the potential to enrich your life both professionally and personally. Here are 19 benefits of being good at public speaking...

11 Things You Can Learn About Presenting from Ice Skating

11 Things You Can Learn About Presenting from Ice Skating

Recently I went ice skating for the first time in 30+ years. As I was endeavouring to get used to the feeling of being on skates again, I amused myself with the parallels between ice skating and public speaking and the lessons we can learn from them...

How to really connect with your audience (hint: it’s not about you!)

How to really connect with your audience (hint: it’s not about you!)

For many people when they’re asked to do a presentation, they will open up PowerPoint or Keynote and start to create a presentation that focuses on what they want to tell people. But that is the completely wrong way to go about it and here's why...

4 Speakers, 4 Countries, 4 Public Speaking Lessons

4 Speakers, 4 Countries, 4 Public Speaking Lessons

In one year I attended four professional speaking conventions in four countries on four continents. In this article I share the lessons we can learn from the stand out speakers at each event...

7 Vocal Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Presentation

7 Vocal Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Presentation

What does your voice say about you? Whether you like it or not, people will make judgements about you based on your voice. They’ll make assumptions about where you’re from, how well educated you are or how confident you are. Regardless of the words you speak, your voice will impact on how engaging a speech or presentation is for your audience and how well your message is received. 

Are You Ready to Say Goodbye to Your Fear of Public Speaking?

Are You Ready to Say Goodbye to Your Fear of Public Speaking?

It has been estimated that up to 75% of the population fear public speaking so it’s hardly surprising that the majority of my clients experience a level of anxiety in relation to this. In this post I share one of my technques to help you say goodbye to your fear of public speaking for good...