Do you sometimes wish that you could wave a magic wand and you’d be great at public speaking? If so, I’m sure you wouldn’t be the only one! But rather than trying too hard, sometimes you just need to tear up the script and let go in order to improve...
What to Wear When Presenting
Whether we like it or not, people are making judgements about us from the moment they first see us. As the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a great first impression. Therefore, when we are speaking in public it is crucial to think about the image we are presenting as this can have an effect on how the audience perceives us and receives our message...
How to answer the question 'So, what do you do?'
7 Simple Rules of the Stage for Presenters
Lessons From My Most Difficult Speech Ever
Delivering the the eulogy at my brother's funeral was tough; however, at that emotionally challenging time, I was grateful I was able to write and deliver a well-crafted, succinct and heartfelt tribute to him because I had taken the time to develop my public speaking skills. Here are some lessons from my most difficult speech ever...
10 Tips for Motivating Your Team
How to Ensure Your Pitch Strikes the Right Note
I have developed a simple formula for what I like to call a 'pitchtastic' pitch. It can be applied to any type of pitch from a 30 second elevator pitch that you might deliver at a networking event right through to pitching for millions of pounds worth of investment. This post looks at each element of the formula individually...
Dos and Don’ts for Pitching Competitions (and other important presentations)
Pitching competitions are a great opportunity for companies to raise funding and support to grow their business, but in order to win you need to be able to stand out from the competition. Based on what I observed at a Scottish EDGE fund final, here is a list of dos and don’ts to help your next presentation or pitch stand out...
5 Tips to Weed Out Self Doubt and Cultivate Confidence
Do you feel confident and positive all the time? If you are like most people, your confidence can wax and wane depending on the circumstances. However, lack of confidence and low self-esteem can impact on every area of our lives. In this post I share my tips on how to weed out self doubt and cultivate your confidence...
21 Best Quotes About Public Speaking
9 Attention Grabbing Ways to Open a Presentation
During the first 30-60 seconds of your presentation, your audience will decide whether they like you and are interested in listening to what you have to say. It’s a very short time to draw people in and it’s important to ensure that you don’t waste those first few precious moments to effectively engage them so here are 9 attention grabbing ways to open your presentation...
7 Worst Ways to Open a Presentation
Speaking Tips from the Man Who Has Spoken At 2,500 Funerals
This week I was delighted to have the opportunity to interview Neil Dorward who is known as The Legacy Man. He was the first full time civil funeral celebrant in Scotland, and has written and delivered over 2500 funerals in the past nine years. In this post he shares a bit about his work and some great tips for public speaking...
Professionals Don't Get Nervous... Do They?
3 Easy Steps to Charisma
5 Ways to Energise Your Presentation
If you think about speakers who really connect and truly engage an audience, there’s a good chance it will be those who bring an authentic energy, enthusiasm and excitement to their presentations. These qualities are infectious and they enable speakers to bring their audience on a journey with them. But how do you inject energy into your presentation? Here are five ways to infuse your talk with a liveliness that will have your audience captivated...
8 Tips for Remembering Your Presentation
One of the biggest fears my clients have is about forgetting what they are going to say when public speaking and I am frequently asked for advice on how to memorise a speech or presentation. In this post I explore the different schools of thought about this and provide some suggestions on how to prepare effectively to remember your presentation...
How to Speak ‘Off The Cuff’
How do you react when you’re asked to ‘say a few words’? Are you one of the many who become completely tongue tied; barely managing to ‘um’ and ‘err’ through a mumbled ramble of incoherent nonsense before shuffling away hoping the ground would open up and put you (and your audience) out of misery? If so, read on for tips on ‘speaking off the cuff’ from Scotland's impromptu speaking champion, Renée Philippi...