How Fast is Too Fast When Delivering a Speech?

How Fast is Too Fast When Delivering a Speech?

I am often asked how many words should be included when drafting a speech. This can depend on a number of factors, not least the language being spoken and the culture in which it is spoken; speech rates can vary from region to region, person to person and even each time you speak. In this post, find out what impacts your rate of speech and how many words you should be aiming for if scripting your pitch or presentation...

The Power of Passion in Public Speaking

The Power of Passion in Public Speaking

One of the most memorable speeches I've heard was delivered by someone whose presentation wasn't particularly strong in any of the areas we would normally associate with a great speaker. But one element in her delivery stood out and ensured I have never forgotten her message... 

How to Make Your Speech Come Alive Using Subtext

How to Make Your Speech Come Alive Using Subtext

Famous Russian actor and theatre director, Constantin Stanislavski was quoted saying, ‘Spectators come to the theatre to hear the subtext.’ The use of subtext is used in acting to communicate so much more than just the words and the technique can also be used to give life and meaning to your presentations and connect with your audience on another level...

Feeling the Fear and Making A Difference To Last Year

Feeling the Fear and Making A Difference To Last Year

We are now three weeks into January and I wonder how you’re getting on with your plans for the coming year. How is this year going to be different to the past? Have you made plans? Are you moving forward with them? Or are you letting fear hold you back? This is a guest blog post by Philippa Linane of Decision Happy, whose work is based on the best-selling book ‘Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway’ by Susan Jeffers. Philippa’s post will provide you with food for thought and some techniques for feeling the fear and making a difference to last year...

7 Lessons Public Speakers Can Learn From Pantomime Actors

7 Lessons Public Speakers Can Learn From Pantomime Actors

Despite pantomime being a completely different form of communication to public speaking, as speakers we can learn a lot of lessons from this style of entertainment. Incorporate these seven lessons when preparing and delivering your next speech to fully engage your audience...

Using Body Language to Inspire Confidence (in yourself and others)

Using Body Language to Inspire Confidence (in yourself and others)

One of my favourite TED Talks is by Social Psychologist, Amy Cuddy called ‘Your body shapes who you are.’ It shows how you can reduce stress and feel more powerful simply by changing the way you hold your body, which is essential for confident and credible communication...

How to Give a Wedding Speech That’s Memorable (for all the right reasons!)

How to Give a Wedding Speech That’s Memorable (for all the right reasons!)

There is a lot of information on the internet about how to create the perfect wedding speech and toast; but often writing the speech is not the problem - it could be nerves that cause the most angst. If you’ve been given the honourable task of giving a speech at a wedding, it is important to get it right so here are some tips...

Tips for Presenting to Large Audiences

Tips for Presenting to Large Audiences

Speaking to a large audience is a privilege and an honour but it has additional challenges that you need to be aware of in order to deliver your message. In this post I share what to do (and not to do) when presenting to large numbers of people...

The Moment Before...

The Moment Before...

Just like an athlete warms up before a sporting event, so should you warm up before any presentation or public speaking engagement. In this post I share a variety of techniques to prepare your mind, voice, body and more so that you can manage your nerves and deliver the best possible speech or presentation...

Getting the EDGE

Getting the EDGE

More and more business pitching competitions are taking place around the UK offering opportunities to win prizes, support and funding to help grow your business. In this post I share pitching tips from the Scottish EDGE fund, tips that can be used in all types of situations to give your company an edge. Is it time for you to polish your pitch?


5 Ways to Develop Stage Presence

5 Ways to Develop Stage Presence

This week I have had the pleasure of staying at a holiday resort where the employees put on a show for guests most evenings. A few of them had incredible stage presence and it got me thinking about what makes someone stand out from the crowd when in front of an audience and how we can use this to engage our audience and enhance our message when public speaking...

My nerves took me by surprise...

My nerves took me by surprise...

Recently whilst delivering a workshop I found myself displaying all of the classic symptoms of nerves – thumping heart, shaking voice, red face and an overwhelming desire for the floor to open up and swallow me. In this post I share how the horror of the situation affected me, what I learned and how I managed it...


10 Tips for an Attention Grabbing Networking Pitch

10 Tips for an Attention Grabbing Networking Pitch

At many networking events you have just 40 to 60 seconds to grab people’s attention and tell them about you and your business. So, how can you deliver an attention grabbing pitch that makes everyone in the room sit up and take notice whether you are the first or the fifteenth person to speak? Here are some ideas...

Help... I've got Glossophobia!

Help... I've got Glossophobia!

Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, is said to affect 75% of the population to some degree. If you're someone who suffers from public speaking anxiety, you'll be pleased to know that it is possible to overcome your fears. And the great news is that if you increase your confidence in verbal communication you’ll not only transform your speaking but you’ll transform your entire life...