Dos and Don’ts for Pitching Competitions (and other important presentations)

I had the pleasure of watching 30 fabulous finalists at the Scottish EDGE fund competition this week. Each finalist had the opportunity to deliver a 3 minute pitch about their business followed by a Q&A session with a panel of 5 judges. Of the 30 finalists, I had worked with 20 of them either on a 1-1 basis or through pitching workshops I ran on behalf of Scottish Enterprise so I was keen that they all did well (which they did!)

Each person had their own delivery style and whilst they were a high standard, there were some that stood out from the competition. So based on what I observed at this pitching event, I have put together a list of dos and don’ts to help your next presentation or pitch stand out.


  • Have a good hook to capture attention from the opening (here are some ideas)

  • Make it simple and straight to the point (the more you tell me the less I remember)

  • Be prepared to elaborate on your points during the Q&A session

  • Be confident with humility

  • Get set up quickly (ideally rehearse everything including walking on stage and setting up)

  • Familiarise yourself with the space prior to the event

  • Express your enthusiasm (if you’re not enthusiastic, why should anyone else be?)

  • Practice your timing so that you can complete it within the required time frame

  • Project your voice (it ensures people hear you and you will sound more confident)

  • Show your products where possible (carefully consider what you give the panel to look during the pitch at if you want the focus on you)

  • Know your market, your figures, your competition, your customers, etc

  • Use strong simple images on your slides with few words

  • Do something different to help you stand out from the competition

  • Make your delivery conversational and engaging

  • Put your Twitter address on all slides if the audience is encouraged to tweet

  • Know your audience (get your free Know Your Audience guide here)

  • Be your wonderful, authentic self - the best version of you


  • Read from your notes (it looks like you’re unprepared and it is difficult to engage your audience when your eyes are on looking down)

  • Learn your script and simply recite it (think about what you’re saying and inject some energy and meaning into it)

  • Hold notes (it limits your ability to gesture)

  • Rush your delivery (less is more)

  • Say you’re passionate if you’re not actually expressing that through your body and voice

  • Be arrogant

  • Say ‘um’ before answering a question (instead pause briefly to gather your thoughts before answering)

  • Use words like ‘hopefully’, ‘might’, ‘probably’ (instead use words like ‘certain’, ‘will’, ‘confident’)

  • Finish a sentence by trailing off with ‘erm’ or ‘and’…

  • Go over your allocated time

  • Look bored (especially if presenting with a partner and you are waiting for your turn to speak)

  • Fold your arms across your chest or leave hands in pockets (it looks quite casual; keep your body open)

  • Show ‘busy’ slides with too many words (people can’t read and listen at the same time)

These are just a few tips based on my observations at this particular Scottish EDGE competition; here is some additional advice I wrote in a previous post. Remember, you can have the best business idea in the world, but whether you're entering a pitching competition or not, if you can't communicate it effectively you will struggle to make it a success.

Basically a great pitch boils down to my simple formula:


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Mel Sherwood is a Presentation Skills and Personal Impact Speaker and Founder of The RED Effect™. She works with ambitious business leaders, teams and individuals who want to express themselves with confidence, credibility and charisma. An Australian based in Scotland, Mel is an award-winning speaker, author and coach and combines over 25 years’ experience in business with a background as an actor, presenter and singer.