
Presentation Tips from The Jacksons

Presentation Tips from The Jacksons

Whilst watching The Jacksons in concert recently, I loved their showmanship and ability to really connect with the crowd. We can learn a lot about how to improve our presentations from their theatrical approach, so in this blog I share 11 techniques that you can apply to take your audience engagement to the next level.

Tips from the Professional Speaking Association Conference

Tips from the Professional Speaking Association Conference

Would you like to learn speaking tips from hundreds of professional speakers? October is the month for the annual Professional Speaking Association ‘Inspire’ conference which aims to support professional speakers with their speaking and the business of speaking. In this post I share some of the tips and observations that could help you to improve your speaking and your business in general.

Presentation Lessons from a TEDx Event

Presentation Lessons from a TEDx Event

TED talks have changed the speaking landscape and I was honoured and privileged to be one of the speaker coaches once again for the Glasgow TEDx event at the SEC Armadillo. In a day that showcased 16 speakers some of them were more memorable than others, so in this post I look at some of the talks that stood out and examine the reasons why. Read on to find out how you can use the techniques to make your own communication more powerful.

How to Transform Your Storytelling Impact

How to Transform Your Storytelling Impact

Storytelling enhances your presentations. But how do you come up with good stories? Why is it that some stories are more powerful and memorable than others? And what makes some storytellers more charismatic than others? Read on to find out…

Business Storytelling: Lessons from a Master

Business Storytelling: Lessons from a Master

One of the biggest buzzwords in business at the moment is ‘storytelling’. And for good reason. Stories make us think, and more importantly they make us feel. And they help us remember ideas and concepts far more effectively than facts and figures. I was privileged to have the opportunity recently to see well known Scottish businessman, Bob Keiller, delivering a Business Storytelling workshop and in this post I share his tips.

5 Reasons Why Stories Help Your Presentations Sparkle

5 Reasons Why Stories Help Your Presentations Sparkle

People throughout the world have told stories for centuries - as a way of passing down history to the next generation, to share experiences, to teach children the skills of life and for pure entertainment. Here are five reasons why you should consider including stories in your next presentation...